Monday, March 16, 2009

Gus and the Sunflowers Both Kicked the Bucket

So I finished watching Lonesome Dove finally--what a tear jerker! I won't say anymore in case you ever get around to watching it.

The flowers that were sent while I was in the hospital are finally dead. I feel like a character from Heroes that has gained strength from their demise so it's not such a bad thing to see their wilted bodies all around the house!

Last night was rough. I decided to try sleeping in the bed like a big girl but ended up awake with screaming back pain at 4am. I've noticed others have mentioned having back pain after surgery and attributed it to the lower back overcompensating for lack of ab strength. I think it's also my soft pillow top bed that doesn't support my lower back at all--I've been fantasizing lately of sleeping on a board! I wonder if that memory foam stuff would help. I've seen that you can buy just a pillow top for your bed instead of having to purchase an entire bed.

Aside from the back pain during the night, I feel lucky to have 80% of my mobility back at this point. It's mostly my low energy level that keeps me down which will hopefully build back up with time. Adios, Week Two and it's on to Week Three!