Friday, April 3, 2009

Perty, ain't it?

So this is the fibroid. It's pretty ooky, I know. Check out all the veins poppin out on that thing. The smaller thing in the pic is another fibroid and the thing on the right is my uterus (you can see where it's attached to the large fibroid by a stalk).

So I went to see the doc for my first post op visit earlier this week. He checked my incision and said everything seemed to be healing normally. I asked him about the hard, lovely muffin top that's above the incision and he said it would get better with time. I asked him if I should be massaging and he said no. He also told me I can start running and exercising in two weeks so I'm looking forward to that.

I asked him what he thought caused fibroids and how I could avoid growing them again. He said in all likelihood given my "talent" for making multiple ones, that I probably already have more growing right now at the microscopic level. Made me feel all warm and cozy! He said doctors aren't sure what makes them grow (other than estrogen) and that nothing had been proven to prohibit their growth.

My plan is to start going to a gynecologist that I can trust and make sure they know that I have this medical history so they can be vigilant looking for fibroids when I have an exam. That way they can be caught earlier and I can avoid a major surgery like this again!

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